

Il Podcast GCS è un programma di mezz’ora che vi stimolerà a raggiungere le persone perdute. Ricco di spunti di riflessione e di insegnamenti facili da comprendere, vi insegnerà i principi, le pratiche e il processo per diventare un efficace evangelista trasformazionale! Imparerete strategie pratiche per diffondere e proclamare il Vangelo e preparare la vostra chiesa a seguire i nuovi fedeli. Ogni episodio permetterà a voi e alla vostra squadra di riaccendere la vostra fede e la vostra passione per l’evangelizzazione.

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Sow to Reap GCS Podcast

In an age where almost anything goes, how can we equip and empower Christians to believe and live the Christian faith, and how can we equip and empower the church to evangelise? In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon describes our ignorance of the works of God and of the future. In particular, how we do not know which seeds will germinate and produce fruit. The Bible has a great deal to say about sowing and reaping, and we know that wherever there is reaping, the hard work of sowing needs to have been done first. At the time, sowing may seem unrewarding as the harvest is so many months away, but how can we expect to reap if there has been no sowing?Let's join Tony as he shares seven helpful principles to help us evangelise effectively.Support the Show.
  1. Sow to Reap
  2. Decompression after Mission
  3. The Great Commission, Part 2
  4. The Great Commission, Part 1
  5. Walking in Faith
  6. Red, Amber, Green
  7. Missing the mark
  8. Getting ready for Christ's return
  9. Spiritual Thresholds
  10. Network Evangelism